How To Write A Conclusion For An Argumentative Essay Example

A well-written conclusion can help to cement the points made in an argumentative essay. It can also leave the reader with a sense of closure, and a better understanding of the essay’s main points. The following steps can help you to write a strong conclusion for an argumentative essay:

– Summarize the main points of the essay.

– Restate your thesis statement.

– Give your opinion on the topic.

– Thank the reader for their time.

Understanding the Purpose and Significance of a Conclusion in an Argumentative Essay

A conclusion in an argumentative essay is a paragraph that signals the end of the essay and tries to leave the reader with something to think about. The purpose of a conclusion is to remind the reader of the points made in the essay, to show the implications of those points, and to suggest further areas for investigation.

In order to write a good conclusion, you need to understand the purpose and significance of a conclusion in an argumentative essay. A conclusion is not just a summary of the points made in the essay. It is also a way to leave the reader with something to think about, to show the implications of the argument, and to suggest further areas for investigation.

A good conclusion should do three things:

-restate the main points of the essay
-show the implications of those points
-suggest further areas for investigation

If you can do these three things, you will have written a good conclusion for an argumentative essay.

Restating the Thesis Statement and Main Arguments

The conclusion of an argumentative essay is a restatement of the thesis statement and the main arguments that were made in the essay. It is a way to remind the reader of the main points of the argument, and it can also be used to call the reader to action. The conclusion should be clear and concise, and it should leave the reader with a sense of closure.

Summarizing the Key Points and Supporting Evidence

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When writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to summarize the key points and supporting evidence that was presented in the body of the essay. Additionally, it is important to restate the thesis of the essay and to leave the reader with a final thought to consider.

In the body of the essay, the main points of the argument were presented, as well as the evidence that was used to support those points. In the conclusion, it is important to recap those points, as well as to remind the reader of the thesis of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion can be used to provide the reader with a final thought to consider, in order to help them to make up their own mind about the argument.

Emphasizing the Strength of Your Position

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay. The most important is to restate your position, but in a way that emphasizes the strength of your argument. You can also briefly summarize the points you made in your essay, but make sure not to simply rehash what you have already said. Finally, you should always remind the reader of the main issue at hand, and why it is important.

In conclusion, the argumentative essay is a writing genre that is designed to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view. The most important thing to remember is to make your argument clear and to back it up with evidence. Restating your position in a way that emphasizes the strength of your argument is the best way to end your essay.

Addressing Counterarguments and Providing Rebuttal

A conclusion for an argumentative essay is a restatement of your position and a refutation of any counterarguments. It should also include a call to action if appropriate. In order to write a strong conclusion, you need to first understand the purpose of a conclusion.

The main purpose of a conclusion is to remind the reader of the main points of your argument and to leave them with something to think about. It is also a chance to correct any misunderstandings or misconceptions that the reader may have.

Your conclusion should also include a refutation of any counterarguments that the reader may have. This is your chance to show that you have fully considered the other side’s position and that you have a valid response to their arguments.

Finally, your conclusion should leave the reader with something to think about. This could be a question for them to consider, a challenge to their views, or a suggestion for further reading.

When writing a conclusion, you should always keep the following in mind:

– Restate your position
– Refute any counterarguments
– Leave the reader with something to think about

Encouraging Further Thought and Action

A well-written conclusion for an argumentative essay can encourage further thought and action by the reader. It is important to restate the main points of the argument, but to do so in a fresh way that leaves the reader with something to think about. In addition, a conclusion can provide a call to action, urging the reader to take some specific steps in order to address the issue at hand.

When writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to remember to:

– Restate the main points of the argument in a fresh way
– Encourage further thought and action by the reader
– Provide a call to action

Leaving a Lasting Impression on the Reader

How to Write a Conclusion for an Argumentative Essay:
Leaving a Lasting Impression on the Reader

The conclusion of an argumentative essay is just as important as the introduction. In many cases, the conclusion is the last thing the reader will see. It is important to leave a good impression on the reader by providing a strong conclusion.

There are a few things you can do to write a strong conclusion:

– restate the main points of your argument
– provide a brief summary of the evidence you presented
– remind the reader of your position
– call for action or provide a moral to the story

Restating the Main Points of your Argument

The conclusion is a good place to remind the reader of the main points of your argument. You can do this by briefly summarizing the evidence you presented. This will help the reader to remember the points you made and why they are important.

Reminding the Reader of your Position

It is also a good idea to remind the reader of your position. This will help to clarify your argument for the reader. You can also restate your thesis statement to remind the reader of the main point of your essay.

Calling for Action or Providing a Moral to the Story

In some cases, you may want to call for action or provide a moral to the story. This can help to leave a lasting impression on the reader.


The conclusion of an argumentative essay is just as important as the introduction. It is important to leave a good impression on the reader by providing a strong conclusion. There are a few things you can do to write a strong conclusion:

– restate the main points of your argument
– provide a brief summary of the evidence you presented
– remind the reader of your position
– call for action or provide a moral to the story

Using Concise and Impactful Language in the Conclusion

In order to write a conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to use concise and impactful language. A conclusion should not be long and drawn out, but rather it should be a concise summary of the main points that were made in the essay. It is also important to be persuasive in the conclusion, and to leave the reader with a clear understanding of the writer’s argument.

There are a few things that writers can do to ensure that their conclusion is effective. First, it is important to restate the thesis statement, but in a different way. This will help to remind the reader of what the essay was about. Second, the main points that were made in the essay should be summarized. This will help to remind the reader of the evidence that was presented in support of the argument. Finally, the conclusion should be persuasive, and it should leave the reader with a clear understanding of why the argument is important.

Avoiding New Information or Arguments in the Conclusion

The conclusion of an argumentative essay is the part where you restate your position on the issue, summarize the evidence that you’ve presented, and explain why your argument is the strongest one. In some cases, you may also want to suggest ways that your argument could be improved. However, you should avoid introducing any new information or arguments in the conclusion, since this will weaken your argument.

The first step in writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay is to restate your position on the issue. This should be done in a clear and concise manner, and it should be the last sentence of your conclusion. After you’ve restated your position, you should summarize the evidence that you’ve presented. This should be done in a brief and concise manner, and it should be the second to last sentence of your conclusion.

The final sentence of your conclusion should explain why your argument is the strongest one. You should provide a brief summary of the reasons why your argument is better than the others. If you can, you should also suggest ways that your argument could be improved. However, you should avoid introducing any new information or arguments in the conclusion.

Reflecting on the Significance and Relevance of the Essay’s Topic

When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to remember to always reflect on the significance and relevance of the topic at hand. In order to do this, you must first take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What are you trying to argue? Why is this topic important? What are the implications of your argument?

Once you have a good understanding of the topic and its importance, you can then begin to craft a strong conclusion that reflects your point of view. Your conclusion should not simply restate your thesis, but should instead summarize the main points of your argument and leave the reader with a clear understanding of your position.

It is also important to remember that your conclusion should be well-written and concise. You only have a limited amount of space, so make sure to focus on the most important points.

By taking the time to reflect on the significance and relevance of your topic, you can create a powerful conclusion that will leave your reader thinking about your argument long after they have finished reading your essay.

Providing a Sense of Closure and Resolution

A conclusion for an argumentative essay is a paragraph that signals the end of your argument. It should provide a sense of closure and resolution. You can do this in a number of ways, but a few tips include:

-Restating your thesis statement
-Summarizing your main points
-Giving a call to action

Your conclusion should also be polite and professional. Thank your reader for their time, and remind them of the main points of your argument.

Engaging the Reader’s Emotions or Call to Action

A conclusion for an argumentative essay is a powerful tool. It is the last chance the writer has to make an impression on the reader. The conclusion can be used to:

-Engage the reader’s emotions
-Call to action


When writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to engage the reader’s emotions. The conclusion should leave the reader with a strong feeling that will influence their thoughts and actions. There are a few different ways to do this.

-One way to engage the reader’s emotions is to use a rhetorical question. A rhetorical question is a question for which there is no real answer. It is used to make a point. For example, “What kind of world would we live in if we all just said no?” This question leaves the reader with a powerful image of a world without resistance.

-Another way to engage the reader’s emotions is to use an analogy. An analogy is a comparison between two things. For example, “The fight against cancer is like a battle against an enemy.” This analogy leaves the reader with a powerful image of fighting a difficult battle.

-A third way to engage the reader’s emotions is to use a personal story. A personal story is a story about the writer’s own experiences. For example, “I remember the day my mom was diagnosed with cancer.” This personal story leaves the reader with a powerful emotional connection to the writer.

call to action

Another important purpose of the conclusion is to call the reader to action. The conclusion should leave the reader with a clear idea of what they should do next. There are a few different ways to do this.

-One way to call the reader to action is to give them a challenge. For example, “So, what are you going to do? Are you going to sit back and do nothing, or are you going to take a stand?” This challenge leaves the reader with a sense of urgency and inspires them to take action.

-Another way to call the reader to action is to give them a choice. For example, “So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to stand up for what you believe in, or are you going to let them take away your rights?” This choice leaves the reader with a sense of empowerment and inspires them to take action.

-A third way to call the reader to action is to give them a goal. For example, “So, what’s the next step? What are you going to do to make a difference?” This goal leaves the reader with a sense of purpose and inspires them to take action.

Reviewing and Revising the Conclusion for Clarity and Effectiveness

The conclusion of an argumentative essay is the part where you remind your reader of the points that you made in your essay and restate your position. You should also provide a brief summary of the opposing argument and refute it.

When writing the conclusion, be sure to:

Restate your position

Summarize the opposing argument

Refute the opposing argument

To conclude an argumentative essay, you should restate your position, summarize the opposing argument, and refute the opposing argument.

Seeking Feedback and Peer Review for Improvement

When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to remember to always conclude your argument. This is your chance to summarize your points and leave your reader with something to think about. In order to write a good conclusion, you need to understand the purpose of a conclusion.

A conclusion is not merely a summary of your points. It is also your opportunity to influence your reader’s opinion or to leave them with a thought-provoking question. To write a good conclusion, you should do the following:

Restate your thesis statement.

Summarize your main points.

Explain why your argument is important.

Leave your reader with something to think about.

In order to help you write a good conclusion, here is an example of a conclusion for an argumentative essay:

Though the United States has made some progress in terms of gender equality, there is still much work to be done. In order to achieve true gender equality, we need to change the way we view masculinity and femininity. We need to stop teaching boys that it is important to be powerful and aggressive, and we need to teach girls that it is important to be powerful and assertive. Only then will we be able to achieve true gender equality.

Revising and Editing the Conclusion based on Feedback

The conclusion of an argumentative essay is where you restate your argument, but in a more convincing way. You also want to leave the reader with something to think about, or with a call to action. In order to revise and edit your conclusion, you should first get feedback from a trusted friend or teacher.

If you’re stuck on how to write a conclusion for an argumentative essay, here are a few tips:

-Restate your argument in a clear and concise way.

-Summarize the evidence you presented in your essay.

-Make your argument more convincing by addressing any potential counterarguments.

-Leave the reader with something to think about, or a call to action.

Examining Successful Examples of Conclusions in Argumentative Essays

A well written conclusion can make the difference between a good essay and a great essay. A conclusion provides a sense of closure to the essay, and it also leaves the reader with a final thought to ponder.

In order to write a successful conclusion, you’ll need to do three things:

Summarize the main points of your essay

Restate your thesis statement

Offer a final thought or call to action

Let’s take a look at each of these elements in more detail.

Summarize the Main Points of Your Essay

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay. You don’t need to restate every single detail, but you should remind the reader of the most important points. This will help to reinforce the main argument of your essay.

Restate Your Thesis Statement

Your conclusion should also restate your thesis statement. This will remind the reader of the main argument of your essay, and it will also show how the main points you discussed support your thesis.

Offer a Final Thought or Call to Action

Your conclusion should also leave the reader with a final thought to ponder, or it should urge the reader to take action. For example, you might ask the reader to consider the implications of your argument, or you might call on the reader to take a specific action.

Practicing Writing Effective Conclusions through Exercises

There is a lot of writing advice out there on how to write better introductions and body paragraphs for argumentative essays, but what about the conclusion? How can you ensure that your conclusion is effective and that it helps to reinforce the points that you made in your essay?

There are a few things that you can do to help you write a strong conclusion for your argumentative essay. First, make sure that you restate your thesis statement. This is important, as it will remind your readers of the point that you were trying to make throughout your essay. You can also recap the main points that you made in your body paragraphs, which will help to remind your readers of the evidence that you presented in support of your argument.

Finally, you should always end your conclusion with a call to action. This is the part of your conclusion where you ask your readers to do something in response to the argument that you have presented. You might ask them to think about what you have said and to consider changing their own views, or you might ask them to take some kind of action, such as voting or contacting their local representatives. Whatever you ask of your readers, make sure that it is something that is actionable and that they can easily do.

If you can follow these tips, you can write a strong and effective conclusion for your argumentative essay.

Benefits of Writing a Strong Conclusion for an Argumentative Essay

A well-written conclusion is important for a strong argumentative essay. It not only wraps up the essay, but it also leaves the reader with a final thought to consider. In order to write a good conclusion, you need to know the four basic purposes of a conclusion.

The four basic purposes of a conclusion are to:

1. Restate the main points of your argument.
2. Summarize the evidence you presented.
3. Explain why your argument is important.
4. Leave the reader with something to think about.

When you are writing your conclusion, make sure that you are not simply restating your points. You need to summarize the evidence you presented and explain why your argument is important. Additionally, you should leave the reader with something to think about, preferably something that will make them question their own beliefs.

If you can achieve all of these goals, then you will have written a strong conclusion for your argumentative essay.

Enhancing Persuasive Writing Skills for College and Career

In order to write a strong conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to first restate the main points of your argument. This will remind your reader of the points you made in your essay, and it will also help to solidify your argument in their mind. Once you have restated your main points, you should then provide a brief summary of the counter-arguments that your essay addressed. This will show your reader that you considered the other side of the argument, and that you were able to refute their points effectively. Finally, you should provide a strong call to action, which will urge your reader to take a specific course of action based on the information presented in your essay.

Encouraging Critical Thinking and Analysis in Concluding Arguments

A conclusion is one of the most important parts of an argumentative essay. It is the last chance the writer has to make an impression on the reader. A conclusion should be well written, logical, and convincing. It should also encourage the reader to think critically and analyze the argument.

One way to achieve this is to restate the main points of the argument. This should be done in a clear and concise manner. The main points should be highlighted, and the argument should be summarized. It is also important to remind the reader of the original thesis statement.

Another way to encourage critical thinking and analysis is to ask the reader to consider the implications of the argument. What are the possible consequences of accepting the argument? What are the possible consequences of rejecting the argument? This can help the reader to see the argument in a new light, and to think critically about it.

Finally, it is important to end the essay with a strong and persuasive argument. The conclusion should leave the reader with no doubt about the writer’s position on the issue. It should be clear, concise, and convincing.